Transport and Travel Training

Gippsland Support Services

Navigating Your World with Transport Support and Training

Freedom of movement is a critical aspect of independence and quality of life. Recognising this, Gippsland Support Services offers specialised Transport Support and Training services designed to empower individuals with disabilities. We help you navigate the world with ease, whether it’s getting to appointments, attending social events, or simply running errands.

Personalised Transport Solutions

Each person’s transport needs are different, and at Gippsland Support Services, we aim to provide a range of flexible options. Our services are designed to cater to your unique requirements, ensuring that you can move freely and safely within your community.

Training for Independence

Independence is a valuable asset, and our training programs are geared towards instilling a sense of self-sufficiency. Our skilled staff offer training sessions that cover everything from understanding public transport systems to safety protocols, equipping you with the confidence and skills you need to travel independently.